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The Traveler - The 2nd Chapter (Chp 3)

If you happened to stumble upon this blog by accident, here is a quick recap. This is the 3rd chapter of a short novel named "The Traveler". It is a novel written by me (Tan) throughout the month of November and is a part of the NaNoWriMo program. I suggest you go visit my website and read the journey of how this novel was created and read the previous chapters before coming back. If you have done so, please enjoy the journey of our mc in Iceland.

According to the map, it was going to be a 5-hour long road trip, the most time I am gonna ever spend on a car. On the way to the campsite, I would pass through the city of Iceland. Although it is not the most beautiful view or the most hi-tech city, it gives a very soothing and calm tone and mood to me. The cyan sky was so clear, no car honks, and pollution was to be seen. This was my only road trip I ever took so far, and it is going, I nearly forgot what I was after.

The next thing I noticed was the navigator saying, “your destination is on the right.”

5 hours passed by like it was 5 minutes. This was nothing like what I am used to, it went by in a lighting. Upon arrival, I was punched by the elegant and glamorous view. A giant lake surrounded by mountains, the fresh, moist smell, and a hit of frigid air.

Experiencing this also reminded me of the dun time I was reading the book, the thing I am after. A small wooden hut was to be seen. On it states, “Welcome the Traveler.” I directly head to it and knocked on the door. No answer was heard so I crack open the door only to be disappointed to see no one there except a small piece of paper dropped on the ground.

Carefully walking to pick up the paper, the 2nd chapter of the book was seen written on it. My disappointment quickly disappeared. I ran outside and found a silent space to read it.

You would question would not you on how that fragment of land came into existence, on how the wretched land outside it became what it is, and how that affects the ending of the story. Those is not the main point of the story unfortunately. Inside that golden chunk of border was the place where everyone was living in peace. Doctors, workers, engineers, black smiths, wizards, orcs, and every occupation you could ever think of was living in harmony. All these thanks to the Traveler.

As the name state, the Traveler job is to travel, ironically, he does not do so. He was said to have “finished” his log and is now only living to govern the city. To which he finds mundane. But what can he do, this is his life now.

That was the end of the 2nd chapter. This brought nothing but questions to me. “Is that all?” was the first question that came to my mind. All of that travelling only for a short chapter? I was a bit gloomy by this. My head lifted from the paper only to be hit by the bright golden rays of the Sun. I took a deep breath and sit there quietly and blankly. Although the prize I got for this travel was not as much as I hoped for, it was a fun ride. Luckily, it was not over.

Surprisingly, behind the small piece of paper, there was a riddle. Supposing leading me to the next location.

To where you will seek next is the city which never sleeps.

The land of food, buildings, and historical monuments.

Flashing light overpowers the dark night.

Home to the tall copper statue given by the French.

The tower divided into 102 pieces.

In which the clouds are below you, is the place you will find the next chapter.

Without any drawbacks, I know where the next was going to be, New York. It was one of the places where I dream of going but never did. Like what the riddle stated, it is city which never sleep, lights flashing at every moment of the day, house to the Statue of Liberty, and most importantly, food from all over the world. I thought to myself, “maybe this trip isn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

Long before I know it, the sunset was over. Luckily, this was a campsite and there were many free spaces. People who were camping there also set up some lights. This combined with the flashing stars made a delightful view I would not forget for the rest of my life. It was one of the best sleeps I ever gotten.

If you want to continue reading my story, please click the link below to be redirected to it!


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